A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004)
The film adaptation of the well-known series of novels is a fast paced film based on the unfortunate lives of 3 orphan siblings.
Despite having a fantastic cast (led by the ever wonderful Jim Carrey) the film somehow lacks structure and just seems to be a mixture of scenes created for audiences who have not read the novel. The orphans are sent to 3 guardians throughout the film and fire seems to be a common theme however the fire investigation is not brought to life until the 5th novel (Austere Academy) which for fans of the novel is most likely a let-down.
However humorous and true-to the character acting makes for an enjoyable family film with lots of enjoyment to offer,
In conclusion, fans of the book will be far from impressed with a fast paced crammed film with non of the structure from the books however non-readers will very much enjoy the humorous and character acting by Jim Carrey,
Having read the books, I give this film 7/10